Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Almost Do - Taylor Swift

Theme: Broken Relationship 
Form: Song
Writer/Singer: Taylor Swift

The song entitled “I Almost Do” by Taylor Swift basically talks about wanting and fighting the urge to talk to someone. In the song, Taylor gives this song to her guy whom she wants to get back with but she can’t because she does not want to be hurt anymore and reopen the wounds in her heart. She does not reply to his text messages because she is so afraid to say hello again to him and then after sometime she will be risking another goodbye. After the mess they made with their relationship, she still dreams of him having to touch her face, and asking herself if things will be worth the second chance. She once cared for what the guy thought, not only that, she really cared for him. Taylor still hopes that the guy wonders about her sometimes. The song technically portrays the feeling of Taylor after heartbreak and that she still has this part of heart that can’t let him go and hoping he still does too. 

The song was written and sung by Taylor Swift. The rhythm and melody of the song caught my attention when I first heard this song. The way Taylor Swift sang every line of the song is filled with too much emotion that is why you can feel what is inside her heart. The message is too timely. There’s too much emotion on the lyrics of the song. I am sure that many girls can relate to this song because in today’s generation, a girl cannot express herself too much with a guy. They instead overthink about things and get their hopes too high on a guy. I believe this song to be such a powerful song and the message it conveys is just right for a girl’s heart which undergoes pain and heartbreak. The line in the song “And I hope you know that every time I don’t, I almost do.” struck me the most. The line tells its listeners that there are things which she wants to say and do for him yet she cannot or chose not to since she wants to forget the pain she felt and never get attached again. The song maybe interpreted differently by various listeners especially if a guy hears it. The value I learned from this song is that a person should know how to move on from heartbreak, learn from his or her mistakes, and value the things around him or her. One should know as well what limits to set herself or himself if he or she does not want to get hurt again for the same reason. The message of the song is being sent because sometimes or most of the time guys do not really know   

Click here to listen to the song

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